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Libros y Articulos relacionados con: Tecnología y Calidad , Forestal
1. Cómo generar el máximo valor en las plantaciones forestales, por SavcorLa división forestal de la empresa finlandesa Savcor ha obtenido importantes ahorros en logística gracias a las medidas de gestión forestal emprendidas en América Latina. Este artículo hace un recorrido por ellas.El Papel
Nº: 167
Fecha: Junio 2012
2. La industria finlandesa, a la vanguardia de la tecnologíaEl Papel ha visitado algunas de las empresas más pioneras en tecnología forestal y papelera de Finlandia en el marco de un viaje de prensa organizado por la asociación finlandesa Finnish Pulp & Paper Technology Association, el pasado mes de diciembre. Teppo Koski, de la consultora TEKO Consulting, nos guió en el país de los bosques y el frío por entre 11 proveedores, un puerto, dos papeleras y el Clúster forestal finlandés.El Papel
Nº: 167
Fecha: Junio 2012
3. Eucalyptus globulus bark as a source of polyphenolic compounds with biological activityEucalyptus globulus bark, one of the main by-products of the pulp and paper industry in Southern Europe, is a potential source of valuable chemicals. In this work, chemical composition of E. globulus bark was studied with detail, including its carbohydrate composition. Response surface methodology (RSM) modeling and optimization was developed for the selective extraction of polyphenolic material from E. globulus bark. The RSM metohod was based on the Box-Behnken design, aiming to obtain the optimal combination of extraction conditions considering the parameters ethanol percentage in the extraction medium, temperature and time. Conditions for maximum of polyphenols in the extract are 52% ethanol, extraction temperature of 82.5ºC and the extraction time of 264 min. The polyphenolic compounds - quantified as gallic acid equivalent - in the extract produced at the optimal conditions was 32%, corresponding to about 2% of bark weight, with a carbohydrate co-extraction of about 1.6% of bark carbohydrate content. Some of the extracts revealed low values of IC50 against human breast cancer cells, indicative of high biological activity.This work has demonstrated the potential of E. globulus bark as a source of polyphenolic compounds with anti-proliferative activity and gives a positive contribution to the increase in products portfolio diversification in pulp industry and biorfineries.O Papel
Nº: 7401
Fecha: Enero 2013
4. Case study: microfibril angle and its relantionship with basic density in Pinus Taeda L. wood from silvopastoral systemsThe material resulting from fast-growing plantations is presumed to present a high percentage of juvenile wood, with high microfibril angle (MFA) and low basic density (BD), which would negatively affect the technological properties of wood. The objective of this study was to measure the MFA using the technique of the orientation of bordred and cross-field pit apertures of the tracheids walls, determine BD and verify the correlation between the two variables. The used material was pinus taeda 15 years old from a stand with silvopastoral management. The pit apertures of the earlywood tracheids showed to be more rounded and abundant compared to those of the latewood. The MFA decreased from 56.2 to 42.1 degrees, and wood density increased from 0.31 to 0.42 g/cm3 from the pith to the bark. The high values of MFA could be explained by the genetic material with low degree of breeding, and also by the wide spacing between tress - which favors the fast growth -, but could also be due to the employed methodology. The correlation between MFA and density in this study is moderate and negative (R= -0.59), indicating that density would not be a parameter sufficient to infer about thestructural quality of the wood.O Papel
Nº: 7405
Fecha: Mayo 2013
5. Saalasti, el fabricante finlandés que apuesta por EspañaSaalasti, el fabricante finlandés de máquinas trituradoras para procesamiento de biomasa forestal, está en operación desde 1945 en Espoo, cerca de Helsinki. Desarrolla máquinas especializadas en procesar productos forestales de todo tipo y en grandes volúmenes. Sus clientes son las papeleras y las plantas de generación de energía con biomasa. Timo Saalasti, dueño de la empresa, nos ofrece su punto de vista sobre el sector de la energía con biomasa en España.El Papel
Nº: 173
Fecha: Junio 2013