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Libros y Articulos relacionados con: Tecnología y Calidad , Papel para Envases
1. Artigo ABPO - CMT E CCTSin descripciónO Papel
Nº: 7309
Fecha: Septiembre 2012
2. DiofanR PVdC coating on paper based barrier packingPVdC coating on Paper makes it suitable for food packaging application by providing moisture barrier; oxygen barrier; aroma barrier and resistance to oil & fat permeation. The selection of right grade of paper; suitable PVdC grade and also the understanding of coating process is utmost critical to make barrier Paper. In the evolution of use of green source packaging material or optimal use of polymer for packaging application; PVdC coating brings value to Paper packaging.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2502
Fecha: Abril 2013
3. Liberarsi dal PFOA (Food packaging)Greaseproof, resistente al calore, che non rilascia molecole fluorurate: ecco cosa propone la Ahlstrom, in risposta alla nuova normativa europea sulla sicurezza degli imballaggi a contatto con gli alimenti.Industria della carta
Nº: 5103
Fecha: Junio 2013
4. Sistemas informáticos exclusivos para la industria del packagingEn el marco de los Sistemas de Planificación de Recursos Empresariales, la empresa española RTS presentó RTSv8, un sofware diseñado especialmente para la industria del envase. Entender a pleno esta propuesta requiere introducirse en el innovador campo de la gestión automatizada.La revista del corrugado
Nº: 5
Fecha: Primavera 2013
5. New developments are changing the face of corrugated packagingSin descripción.Paper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5503
Fecha: Julio 2014
6. Corefill de Omya: materia de carga mineral para mandriles de cartónAnte la tensión sobre la materia prima necesaria para la fabricación de mandriles de cartón, Omya, productor y distribuidor de productos químicos y minerales, ofrece soluciones innovadoras para la industria del packaging. Propone sustituir el papel recuperado por una porción de materia de carga a base de mineral.El Papel
Nº: 180
Fecha: Agosto 2014
7. Biopolymer based paper coatings towards sustainable packaging Sustainability has become the main impetus for regulatory landscape which is poised to change the nature of industrial innovation. With sustainability being the key focus everywhere, the packaging industry will be forced to increase its reliance on renewable sources of packaging material. Biopolymer based coated paper and paperboards have the potential to replace synthetic polymer coated packaging material. A range of biopolymer based coated paperboards have been evaluated as an alternative to the prevailing synthetic polymer coated paperboard for packaging of short shelf life food products. Fitness to use is certainly the mainscope for any packaging solution; however manufacturability and scalability of paperboards coated with biopolymer holds the key for providing a competitive edge over the conventionally used synthetic polymer coated paperboard. This paper presents some of the vital aspects of biopolymer usage in the papermaking process while offering a sustainable packaging solution for short shelf life food products. IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2702
Fecha: Abril 2015
8. Propriedades físico-mecânicas de polpas kraft com números kappa 45 e 55 destinadas a fabricação de papel sackraft de baixa gramaturaResults of the survey presented in this study aim at evaluating the feasibility of increasing from 45 to 55 the kappa number of Pinus taeda kraft pulp meant for the production of flexible packaging with low grammage paper. The yield observed for kappa number 55 increased by 1.5%, with consequent increase in shives content, condition that could be handled in the screening process. The tear resistance did not defer between pulps kappa 45 and 55. Tensile strength and airflow through sheet values decreased with the increased kappa number, requiring a higher refining action to recondition these properties. The results indicate that kappa 55 pullp can be used for the production of low weight sacks paper, being suitable for the demands associated with this class of products. Nota: El artículo está escrito en portugués. O Papel
Nº: 7607
Fecha: Julio 2015
9. Stora Enso Ostroleka optimiza la producción de cartónStora Enso Poland mantiene una posición de liderazgo en el mercado de pasta y papel en Europa Central y Europa del Este. La empresa, que tiene su sede en Ostroleka, a 120 kilómetros al noreste de Varsovia, produce principalmente papeles industriales, cartón ondulado y cajas de cartón. En los últimos años ha acometido una inversión de más de 500 millones de euros orientada a lograr una producción sostenible con costes reducidos en fibra y energía. Su máquina PM 5 es un model de sencillez en la fabricación de cartón ligero. El Papel
Nº: 189
Fecha: Febrero 2016
10. Barrier technologies: the next revolution in food packagingSin descripción. Paper 360º - TAPPI
Nº: 1102
Fecha: Marzo 2016
11. Impact of corrugated paperboard structure on puncture resistanceSin descripción. Paper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5702
Fecha: Verano 2016
12. Print quality of flexographic printed paperobard related to coating composition and structure Ink transfer and setting influence the achievable print quality and visual appearance. The pressure in the printing nip and the porosity of the substrate regulate the amount of ink that penetrates into a porous coating structure. The purpose of this study was to understand how print quality aspects could be related to ink penetration of water-based flexographic ink into coating of differently engineered structures: calcium carbonate (GCC) of various particle size distribution (PSD), coatings with different amounts of latex binder, and coatings with various blends of GCC and kaolin. Calcium carbonate with broad pigment PSD resulted in a lower print density compared to coatings of narrowly distributed particle sizes. Coatings of larger pore volume and greater dominating pore radius showed a higher amount of z-directional ink penetration. A high ratio of uncoverd areas (UCA) could be detected for samples with high amount of latex. However, increased printing force eliminated these artefacts. Increased printing force increased the print density to a higher degree than did a reduced ink viscosity for coatings with pure GCC. For coating layers containing both GCC and kaolin clay, decreased ink viscosity had a stronger impact on the print density than increased printing force. Print density was also affected by ink penetration, suggesting that the optical response is sensitive to the ink-substrate interaction layer. The result presented in this work also suggests that the print gloss decreases with increased amount of penetrated ink due to a higher rate of ink vehicle removal. Tappi Journal
Nº: 1701
Fecha: Enero 2018