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Libros y Articulos relacionados con: Reciclado, General
1. Towards a resource efficient EU economy (European recycling industries have taken a position on the policies needed)The European recycling industries´ position on the challenge of secondary raw materials markets and the policies neededPulp and Paper International (PPI)
Nº: 5406
Fecha: Junio 2012
2. Informe técnico OCC & Reciclado: Polpação OCC de alta eficiência com baixo custoEsse desenho patenteado elimina a depuração grossa e os motores, as bombas, os tanques e agitadores a ela associadosO Papel
Nº: 7309
Fecha: Septiembre 2012
3. En España reciclamos 162 kilos de papel y cartón por sgundoSin descripciónwww.aspapel.es
Nº: 1
Fecha: 18/06/2012
4. Waste paper to sweet reward: adding value to waste paperSin descripciónPaper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5304
Fecha: Septiembre 2012
5. RISI Viewpoint: Effects of China´s Green Fence Initiative on the global recovered paper marketSin descripciónRISI Daily News
Nº: 17
Fecha: 02/04/2013
6. Recycling twice overAn urban recycled board mill uses rainwater as a significant portion of its fresh water needsPulp and Paper International (PPI)
Nº: 5502
Fecha: Febrero 2013
7. Running cleanSaica´s new on-line MultiJet fabric cleaning system pushes efficiency higher even with a recycled furnishPulp and Paper International (PPI)
Nº: 5502
Fecha: Febrero 2013
8. Improvement of the papermaking potential of low quality recycled pulp gradesSin descripciónPaper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5403
Fecha: Junio 2013
9. "Recykling" gets big boost in the heart of EuropeSin descripciónPaper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5404
Fecha: Septiembre 2013
10. Waste paper collection mechanism in India - Current status & future requirementThe present paper highlights the current status of waste paper collection mechanism in India & its limitation vis-à-vis global mechanism and suggested options to develop a sustainable model to increase the recovery of waste paper in the country.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
11. Fibre and water reclaiming in waste paper recycling systemRemoving contaminants from a Waste Paper Recycling system is a complicated process that can involve many steps, e.g., pulping, high-density cleaning, coarse screening, fine screening, flotation and washing, low density cleaning, etc. Each step removes certain sizes and types of ink and contaminants, along with some fibre and water. The weight of incoming contaminants can vary from less than 0.5% of total furnish weight for some grades to 5.0% or more for mixed office waste. Proper rejects-handling equipment adn procedures can significantly reduce the cost of waste disposal and recover fibre/water at initial stage itself. The proper handling rejects also reduce labor requierements, improves housekeeping and safety. Sludge pressing has become increasingly important due to enhanced environmental awareness, stricter guidelines concerning the disposal of effluents, and limitations of landfills. Dewatering technology and equipement are essential to meet the requirements of environmental-protection legislation.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
12. Technological advancement in cup stock collection and recycling processRecycled fibre today plays very crucial role in pulp & papermaking sector due to deficiency of forest based resources and urge to move for agro residues, particularly, for mills not having chemical recovery. At present 30% to 35% of waste paper requirement are met through indigenous collection as mixed form. Therefore, processing poses a difficult challenge for the paper industry for efficient use. Proper segregation & sorting and subsquent used of technology is the key to derive best possible results from this raw material. The introduction of various additives and polyethylene coating in paper composite has brought new challenges in recycling process. Cup stock is widely used for drinking purpose both hot and cold drinks. It is manufacturated by blending with hardwood pulp and 5 - 30% of the softwood pulp to improve stiffness and evades cracking during manufacturing. Many of the Indian paper industries has left out the cup stock from recycling due to the presence of polyethylene. The experimental results indicated that cup stock can be recycled after appropriate removal of polyethylene coating.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
13. Role of AKD and ASA emulsions in improving hydrophobicity of recycled fiber based paperDue to the shortage of native fiber and environmental regulations, the demand of recycled fibers in increasing with time. Generally, the recycled fibers comprising alkaline sizing chemicals; alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) or alkenyl succinic anhydride (ASA) are imported for use in India. The dose of sizing chemicals depends upon various parameters such as type of raw material and filler. The present study deals with the use of AKD and ASA emulsions at different dose levels in bleached recycled fibers with three commercially available frillers; talc, ground calcium carbonate (GCC) and precipitated calcium carbonate (PPC) at 15% ash level. The Cobb60 and contact angles of the sheets were compared and the relationship between Cobb60 vs. contact angle was developped and compared to both AKD and ASA with fillers. Due to different particle size, shape and charge characteristics, the fillers affected the hydrophobicity of paper differently. It was observed that wihtout filler and with talc filler, the Cobb60 values were lower in AKD sizing whereas with GCC and PCC fillers those were lower in ASA sizing. The contact angles were higher in ASA sizing as compared with AKD sizing. The Cobb60 vs. contact angle relationship was also better in ASA sizing than AKD sizing which showed that the former is a better sizing chemical for such grade of bleached recycled fibers. The contact angle of 105º, which is considered fairly good for writing and printing paper grades, could be achieved at 25-30 and 38-48 g/m2 Cobb values in AKD and ASA sizing, respectively with all three fillers. These results showed that there is not worth adding higher dose of sizing chemicals in pulp based on only Cobb60 values, rather it would be advisable to consider contact angle along with Cobb60 for the same.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
14. Novel kaolin-based deinking reagent for improved deinking of waste paperA novel deinking reagent based on modified kaolin has been developed for the flotation deinking of waste paper. This deinking reagent called DEKA 2000, is composed of the modified kaolin and a surfactant specifically formulated to maximize the effect of this modified kaolin in flotation deinking. As is well known in the literature, the very fine particle size of ink, dirt, and stickies particles is one of the main causes for their poor floatability in flotation deinking. However, due to the hydrophobicity and relatively larger particle4 size of the modified kaolin, this deinking reagent acts as a collector for theses fine particles. Thus, this deinking reagent gives more efficient separation and removal of the ink, dirt, and stickies particles from the waste papers being recyled. Deinking mills using this novel deinking reagent showed an increase in brightness and lower dirt count values of the deinked pulp. In addition, lower stickies content were observed in the deinked pulp, resulting in better runnability of the paper machine. In some cases, the use of this deinking reagent has allowed the deinking mill touse poorer grade of feed furnish. Overall, the results obtained by deinking mills show that hte use of DEKA 2000 can improve brightness, lower dirt count values, improve stickies removal, and reduce total cost.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
15. Next - generation plate design: taking dispresion to a high level of performanceWith the high price of virgin cellulose fibres, there is a need to extract the vest value from secondary fibre sources. Successful processing of secondary fibres can significantly reduce operating costs for papermakers without compromising end product quality. Unfortunately, the overall quality of secondary fibre has gradually deteriorated, with more contaminants being included in the incoming raw materials. The effective and economical treatment of waste papers to remove and diminish these contaminants is critical for producing quality paper that runs smoothly on a paper machine while delivering excellent yields at low specific energy consumption. This makes dispersion a key step in secondary fibre processing, since it has great influence over stickies and dirt removal. The dispersion process is quite mature and, while there have been some attempts to improve the technicalperformance of the disperser itself, little has been done to enhance the disperser plate design to make it more efficient and effective. That is, until now. Borrowing from applications knowledge gained in the development of refiner plates, new disperser plate designs are demonstrating improved dispersion results and/or improved energy efficiency. This paper discusses the new disperser plate technologies along with the results of studies in pilot plants and mills processing secondary fibres. The focus of the new technology is on optimzing the spacing between the surfaces of teeth, retaining sharpness of leading edges, and inceasing the plate life, throughput, and energy effciency.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
16. Stickies audit in recycled mills - CPPRI´s approachRecovered paper is an important fiber source for Indian Paper Industry. However often recycling efficiencies are intimidated by the presence of contaminants particularly the adhesives which paper consumers such as printers and publishers introduce through their use of ink binders, labels, book bindings, hot met coatings, etc. The adhesive materials are liable to form stickies during recycling that can lead to several problems such as deposits on paper machine, fabrics, breaks on the paper machine as well as specks and holes on the paper sheet. A major impediment to the control of stickies in the papermaking system is the inability to effectively quantifying the concentration of adhesive contaminants in the raw material. However, one way to understand the stickies concentration in a specific system is to measure the stickies levek from pulper to machine using a stickies profiling procedure. Quantification of stickies during processing of RCF is therefore pre-requisite before a control/removal strategy is adopted. Lot of work has been done in different laboratory across the world on quantification of stickies based on their size, shape and physical character employing combination of techniques but till date no standard method has been developed. CPPRI being an R&D organization has also developed a protocol of methods integrating different techniques to quantify the macro, micro and colloidal stickies concentration in RCF stock. Based on this methodology, CPPRI conducted stickies audit in different mills. The present paper highlights the findings of stickies audit conducted in these mills which has helped the mills in understanding the performance of control strategies adopted in their mills.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2503
Fecha: Julio 2013
17. Trasformare gli scarti in mattoni (Ecologia & sostenibilità)Un gruppo di recercatori spagnoli è risucito a trasformare gli scarti dell´industria in piccoli mattoni che possono essere utilizzati nel settore edile, con notevoli vantaggi economici e ambientali.Industria della carta
Nº: 5103
Fecha: Junio 2013
18. Macero: qualità a monte e a valle (Materie prime) Le strade per migliorare gli standard qualitativi del macero utilizzato in cartiera possono essere diverse: ecco qualche esempio che mostra come debbano essere coinvolti tutti gli attore e tutti gli ambite.Industria della carta
Nº: 5104
Fecha: Septiembre 2013
19. Il riciclo tiene (Comieco)Cala la raccolta e calano i consumi della carta de macero per il secondo anno consecutivo. Questo è ciò che emerge dal rapporto annuale 2012 di Comieco, il Consorzio Nazionale Recupero e Riciclo degli Imballaggi a base Cellulosica, presentato a Roma.Industria della carta
Nº: 5104
Fecha: Septiembre 2013
20. The new paper chaseThe challenges, opportunities and solutions to increasing paper recovery in developing countriesPulp and Paper International (PPI)
Nº: 5511
Fecha: Noviembre 2013
21. Production of high-quality paper grades utilizing deinking pulpAs a growing nation, India is experiencing a dramatic increase in paper conumption. Yet, the quantity of domestically produced quality virgin fibre for the manufacture of high-quality paper grades remains scarce, so the focus in on recycled fibres. Currently, only about 20% of waste paper in India is being recovered. The lack of source segregation capabilities results in high levels of waste paper contamination. With a steady development of technologies for processing recycled fibre, the range of paper grades that can be successfully produced from it has grown. The development started with partial replacement of mechanical pulp for newsprint. This was followed by total substitution for newsprint and other basic grades. Today, many grades of calendered and coated printing/writing papers are routinely produced with 100% recycled fibre. Depending of the grade, a mixture of old magazine (OMG) with mixed office waste (MOW) or sorted office wasted (SOW) or pure office waste is used. Recovered office papers have diffrent characteristics, compared to OMG or ONP, requiring different deinking technologies and processes to efficiently utilize them. The critical parameter is the type of ink and the printing process. Magazine papers are mostly coated, with the ink smoothly printed onto the coat with offser or gravure presses ("soft" inks). Office papers are uncoated or only lightly coated, and the laser print is virtually fused onto the paper surface ("hard" inks). Another consideration is the level of contaminants in the incoming waste paper, especially the stickies load. Removing these contaminants requires diffrent system configurations. The requirements of the final stock quality also differ. Apart from high brightness and high stickies removal, which are common for all grades, attributes such as dirt specks and ash content must be tailored to the paper grade produced. On the positive side, the high brightness of most office waste opens the door for a broad employment of this furnish: from high-grade printing and writing papers to art coated paper, white top board, copy papers, and tissue products. From a sustainability and environmental perspective, the use of deinked pulp (DIP) is also beneficial. Of particular importance to Indian producers, who often face a shortage of raw material at reasonable pricing, is the factor of yield. The state-of-the-art in deinking technology produces a furnish that is excellent for hte production of high-quality printing and writing grades. This paper explores the gradual differences of tailor-made deinking lines suitable for producing various paper grades. It examines the operating parameters of a mill´s deinking system, describes the major process stages and technologies employed, and presents the results obtained to date in the production of environmentally friendly, high-grade pulp obtained from processing waste paper. It discusses the results obtained from a state-of-the-art, three-loop DIP facility ind India with a capacity of 300 t/d for the production of high-quality printing and writing papers. It reflects on the mill´s experience in managing its raw material supply chain and its desire to utilize "green" technology when compared to virgin fibre pulp lines.IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2601
Fecha: Enero 2014
22. Maceri la nuova classificazione (Materie prime)La recente revisione ha lo scopo di dare assitenza nella compravendita di queste materie prime destinate al riciclo della carta e del cartone nell´industria, facilitandone così la diffusione e favorendo gli scambi commerciali.Industria della carta
Nº: 5201
Fecha: Febrero 2014
23. New technology aimed at improving the sustainability of paperSin descripción.Paper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5504
Fecha: Septiembre 2014
24. Novel biosurfactant derived from natural sources and its application in deinking of waste paper The present research addresses the influence of biosurfactant developed by Texbioscience, offers eco-friendly to chemical surfactant for the removal of ink particles in the waste paper. The effect of biosurfactant treatment was studied on the laboratory scale with the objective of reduction in conventional chemicals used in the deinking process. Biosurfactant with the combination of enzyme treatment eliminated 100% hydrogen peroxide, 100% sodium silicate and biosurfactant alone eliminated 100% chemical surfactant and 50% reduction of hydrogen peroxide and sodium silicate with the same level of brightness without affecting the strength properties and yield in the waste paper deinking process. The result showed that the biosurfactant acts as dual character both as bleaching agent and as surface-active agent. IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2701
Fecha: Enero 2015
25. Application of cationic starch in wet end operation for sustainability of small paper mills in India The economic growth of any industry depends on its technological competence, sustainability quality as per customer satisfaction at competitive cost. The Indian paper industry accounts for about 2% of world´s production, and is presently producing around 12 million tons per annum paper and board, considering growth and demand in recent years at an average of 8% per annum Indian paper industry should plan at least 25 million tones of production by 2025 for which the Indian paper industry should prepare itself to overcome various constraint in its growth. Industries taking due timely care can only survive and grow in this severe competitive age. With this view, application of cationic starch and dry strength resin at wet end for filler retention had been analyzed at lab scale and also plant trial was take at a small scale recycled paper mill. The results were compared in terms of cost reduction on final paper production without compromising the quality and production rate. IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2701
Fecha: Enero 2015
26. Plastics out; fiber inPlastics out; fiber in.Pulp and Paper International (PPI)
Nº: 5704
Fecha: Abril 2015
27. Incrementare la sostenibilità ecologica della carta Riutilizzare l´amido presente nella carta da macero in entrata, incrementando di conseguenza la resa, aumentando la resistenza ed eliminando alla fonte le problematiche causate dall´amido deteriorato nell´impianto cartario. Gli effetti negativi al sistema associati all´amido solubilizzato vengono eliminati. Industria della carta
Nº: 5302
Fecha: Abril 2015
28. La recogida de papel y cartón en España remonta la crisis España es uno de los países europeos que recoge más papel y cartón, con una tasa de recogida del 71%. La recogida municipal en ciudades de más de 100.000 habitantes empieza a invertir la tendencia tras varios años de descenso. En 2014 se recogieron 4,4 millones de toneladas y la industria recicló más de 5 millones de toneladas. El Papel
Nº: 185
Fecha: Junio 2015
29. El sector de la recuperación y el reciclado de papel y cartón, un referente de sostenibilidad La Asociación Española de Recuperadores de Papel y Cartón, REPACAR, creada hace 47 años, contribuye al desarrollo sostenible de la economía, potenciando activamente la valorización de los residuos de papel y cartón mediante su recuperación y reciclaje y promoviendo acciones de formación, educación y sensibilización de la sociedad. Se presentan aquí los resultados de este sector. El Papel
Nº: 185
Fecha: Junio 2015
30. Valutare la riciclabilità dei prodotti stampatiLa prima versione risale al 2009. I firmatari del nuovo documento sono le nove associazioni industriali europee che costituiscono la European Recovery Paper Council, oltre al supporto di altre tre associazioni europee che nel complesso rappresentano la maggior parte della filiera della carta grafica e dei prodotti stampati. Industria della carta
Nº: 5304
Fecha: Septiembre 2015
31. Procesamiento del papel reciclado La empresa Sertec20, con sede en Viladecans (Barcelona), ha desarrollado un nuevo producto cuyo objetivo es mejorar el rendimiento de desintegración y destintado de las fibras recicladas, y que posee la capacidad de interaccionar con los contaminantes presentes en el circuito. El Papel
Nº: 191
Fecha: Junio 2016
31. Una piramide ribaltata per difinire un rifiutoQuando un materiale non è più un prodotto ma diventa un rifiuto? E quando invece è un sottoprodotto? Ecco una rapida guida che aiuta a seguire correttamente il suo percorso identificativo. Industria della carta
Nº: 5304
Fecha: Septiembre 2015
32. Inline measurements to optimise recycling deinking operations Sin descripción. Paper Technology - PITA
Nº: 5702
Fecha: Verano 2016
33. Occasioni mancateIl cosiddetto "Collegato Ambientale", ovvero la L.28 dicembre 2015, n.221 (Disposizioni in materia ambientale per promuovere misure di green economy e per il contenimento dell´uso eccessivo di risorse naturali), è stato pubbilicato sulla G.U. n.13 del 18 gennaio 2016 ed è entrato in vigore il 2 febbraio 2016. Al suo interno si possono rinvenire alcune disposizioni che - direttamente o indirettamente - sono suscettibili di avere ripercussioni significative per la filiera della carta. Industria della carta
Nº: 5402
Fecha: Abril 2016
34. Passivation of pressure sensitve adhesive stickies by additon of acrylic fibers to OCC pulp before papermaking This study investigated the addition of acrylic fiber to old corrugated container (OCC) pulp as a possible means of overcoming adverse effects of water-based pressure sensitive adhesives during manufacture of paper or paperboard. Such adhesives can constitute a main source of stickies, which hurt the efficiency of the papermaking process and make tacky spots in the product. The highest amount of acrylic added to recycled pulps generally resulted in 77% reduction in accepted pulp microstickies. The addition of acrylic fibers also increased pulp freenes, tear index, burst strength, and breaking length, though there was a reduction in screen yield. Hence, in addition to controlling the adverse effects of stickies, the addition of acrylic fibers resulted in the improvement of the mechanical properties of paper compared with a control sample. Tappi Journal
Nº: 1510
Fecha: Octubre 2016
35. Fractional pulping of packaging board in high consistency drum pulping A wide variety of packaging materials with different wetting rates and wet strength properties are used in old corrugated container (OCC) processing. This disintegration rates of the different grades also vary and enable the use of the fractional pulping concept where easily disintegrated material is removed at the early stages. In the present study, fractional drum pulping was studied by pulping (Pilot drum pulping) and fractionating (Tampella oscillating screen) a mixture of strong-grade kraftliner and weak-grade fluting at high consistency to determine if energy consumption could be reduced. The results showed that a 25% energy saving could be realized through fractional pulping and an even higher potential might be possible if pulping conditions are optimized. Average fiber length, fines content, and ash content in the separated fractions were analyzed. The separated short fiber fractions and long fiber fractions could be individually processed, thus decreasing the volumes in the unit processon the OCC line. Tappi Journal
Nº: 1602
Fecha: Febrero 2017
36. El reciclado en la fabricación de papel y cartón Sin descripción. La revista del corrugado
Nº: 624
Fecha: Junio 2017
37. Entrevista a los directores del programa de reciclado de ASPAPEL Uno de los objetivos estratégicos de la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Pasta, Papel y Cartón (ASPAPEL) es la promoción del reciclaje. Para contribuir a la mejora continua de la recuperación y reciclaje de papel y cartón en España, ASPAPEL puso en marcha en 2002 el proyecto Tu papel es importante y en 2005 el sistema de diagnóstico, implantación de mejoras y certificación Tu papel 21. En 2016, la asociación renovó su programa con el lanzamiento de Tu Papel 21 - Pajaritas Azules. El Papel
Nº: 195
Fecha: Febrero 2017
38. Control de los contaminantes, una fibra más limpia La empresa catalana Sertec20 ha desarrollado un agente de remoción que facilita la eliminación de contaminantes procedentes de la materia reciclada. Gracias a ello, se puede mejorar el rendimiento de la depuración mecánica y minimizar la pérdida de fibras. El Papel
Nº: 197
Fecha: Junio 2017
39. Eficientizaçao energética e sustentabilidade em plantas recicladoras Sin descripción. O Papel
Nº: 8007
Fecha: Julio 2019