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Libros y Articulos relacionados con: Energía, Pulpa
1. Case study: Increasing recovery boiler power output by introducing MP soot blowing Kraft Pulp Mills generate huge amounts of organic as well as inorganic effluentes from its washing section which poses a very big challenge to treat them to eliminate pollution load. Since the organics are having huge amount of heat value in them, this allowed us to explore the possibility of getting energy from it by processing it through the Soda Recovery Plant from ages. As many of the processes this process also went on lots of changes starting from its earlier days and reached a stage where the 50 to 55% of the energy requirement of the Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill is met through this route. Due to the change in lifestyle and huge industrialization, the energy need as well as cost, never seen a downtrend and increasing day by day. Human always innovates new ways to meet this challenge through improving the efficiency of equipment and processes. Our process is also not an exception. One such initiative done by ITC PSPD is described in this paper. IPPTA - The official jounal of the Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
Nº: 2701
Fecha: Enero 2015